
siegfried schrieb:
Thanks Alex!

I've been reading
and it looks like I can execute some ant tasks as part of a life cycle

So now when I type "mvn test" it not only executes my one test case,
it also executes the echo commands in the embedded ant script. As near
as I can figure, I am constrained to running ant tasks with one of the
following phases: clean, default, jar, pom, maven-plugin, ejb, ear or

That's not quite correct. Only clean is a valid phase, the others are packaging types of projects, given in the <packaging/> tag in your pom.

Have a look at the 'Introduction to the Build Lifecycle' Guide [1], the section 'Build Lifecycle Phase Reference' lists all phases of the default lifecycle used to build projects. You can bind a plugin mojo execution to any of these.

That sounds kinda constraining. Can I make my own custom phase called
"execute" so I can type "mvn execute"?

No, you can't add phases to the standard build lifecycle.


[1] http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-the-lifecycle.html

3 - Google around, I think I've see a generic run plugin, though again you
could use native Eclipe, ant, or ant embedded in your maven stuff (execute
java, etc.)

(3)     Now in the Maven 1 book (that one with the purple cover from the
Developers Notebook series), there was a jelly script to fabricate the
path so I could run a java application implemented in the maven project.
there a maven plug-in counter part to this jelly script so I can see my
programs run? Will that same jelly script still run in Maven 2?

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