
$ mvn --help

usage: mvn [options] [<goal(s)>] [<phase(s)>]

 -P,--activate-profiles        Comma-delimited list of profiles to


Sonar, Nishant schrieb:

I want to run a selective modules when I am building, my pom hierarchy
is like

*       Super- parent

        *       Parent1

                *       Ch1
                *       Ch2

        *       Parent 2

                *       Ch1
                *       Ch2

        *       Parent 3

                *       Ch1
                *       Ch2
                *       Ch3

I am running pom for super-parent as these are necessary tasks and want
to custom run modules like parent 1 only, parent 1&@ only, parent 3
only, in super-parent.pom I defined profiles as
























My intension is to control this selective module build from command line
specifying which modules to build, is it possible?


Nishant Sonar

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