
can it be, that the unwanted dependencies get pulled in as transitive depenendencies of some other depenendency than 'neethi', that has not scope 'provided'?


aldana schrieb:

i am deploying an axis2 app to tomcat. i need some libraries for compile
time but do not need to package them because they are provided by
webapp-container. that's why i use <scope>provided</scope>. in my case this
is for instance:


neethi gets excluded in package-phase but very unfortunately the transitive
dependencies from neethi get included :( this is not what i want: when
marking a dependency as provided of course transitive dependencies should
not be included either for they are provided from container already...

what am i doing wrong? is there another way to achieve this or do i
misunderstand the use of scope-provided?


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