Axis2 sometimes changes its groupid. The latest is found here:

Give it a try.


Nick Stolwijk

Andrew Strickland wrote:
Thanks for the response! I have looked at the axis2 maven plugin. Unfortunately it would appear that either support stopped for the stand-alone plugin back in version 1.1.1 or I just don't know what repository it's being maintained in now because I can't find one for versions 1.2 or 1.3. The only plugin I could find with later versions is the eclipse wizard plugin which is up to 1.3. I could not get the 1.1.1 version of the plugin working, it has non-transitive dependencies that aren't even mentioned in the documentation and it fails to parse the wsdl whereas the axis2 codegen ant task parses it just fine. The way I've resolved this for now is to continue to use my ant build with codegen ant task and to use the build-helper-maven-plugin to add my subdirectory of generated-sources to the maven build path. Like so: <plugin>
And this works just fine I guess...though it *would* be nice if I could just 
use the axis2  maven plugin.  Do you know of a version beyond 1.1.1 and if so, 
what maven repository it's in?



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