On 9/28/07, Ryan Moquin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a multilevel multimodule project that creates servicemix service
> archives and also bundles up a client jar for me.  This all worked great,
> until I decided I wanted to put all my wsdls into a single directory and
> then specify that directory and the specific wsdl for inclusion in the
> proper projects using an inherited property from a parent POM.  So take this
> directory structure for example:

The usual way is to bundle the common resources in a jar and either
depend on them directly, or possibly dependency:unpack them into place
if they need further work in the module.

I only scanned the rest, but the general problem is that you can't
guarantee that a "top level" directory exists on disk.  Each module
should be able to build independently using content from the


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