Ah, it wasn't clear from you original mail that you are talking about report plugins.

Manos Batsis schrieb:
Manos Batsis wrote:
According to the documentation, this seems irrelevant to my original question, which is, how to make reporting mojo execution optional, i.e. not happen unless the user specifies an execution for it.

Maybe i need to override canGenerateReport[1] for this and try to figure out if an execution exists from there?

canGenerateReport() is meant to give feedback if a report is able to render itself in the current context. The reports that can not render themself are filtered out here [1] in filterReports(). So yes, you can use it to disable reports.

The proper way of excluding certain reports from rendering is however, to specify a <reportSet> configuration in the plugin configuration. See the example in the project-info-reports [2].


[1] https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/plugins/trunk/maven-site-plugin/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugins/site/AbstractSiteRenderingMojo.java [2] http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-project-info-reports-plugin/examples/selective-project-info-reports.html

[1] http://maven.apache.org/ref/current/maven-reporting/maven-reporting-api/apidocs/org/apache/maven/reporting/MavenReport.html#canGenerateReport()



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