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In general, if you want 2 jars, you should make 2 modules which means
2 poms and 2 directories. If one set of files depends on the other
(impl dep on api), then you should set dependencies between them etc
as needed.


On 10/1/07, Sonar, Nishant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I have a structure as
> MyAppModule
> Src
>                        Main
>                                    Java
> Com
> Myapp
> Bankapplication
>            Some classes
> Utilities
>            FormulaCalc
>                        someclasses
>            DateCalc
>                        Someclasses
> Pom.xml
> I need top have 2 jars as utilitied and myappmodule. What can I do for
> such a case where there's a single pom to generate 2 jars comprising
> selective classes?
> -Nishant

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