Ideas anybody? Surely this is a scenario that others have come across
(keeping a file consistent across projects). Please help!

----- Forwarded by Ian Rowlands/SRO on 07/10/2007 01:41 PM -----
             Ian Rowlands/SRO                                              
             04/10/2007 12:56                                           To 
                                       Suggested best practice for         
                                       arranging projects(Document link:   
                                       Ian Rowlands)                       

I have the following scenario for a bunch of projects I wish to implement:

I have a "Web Project" which acts as a router for web services. It must
contain the web services configuration, the wsdl and the schemas relating
to the wsdl. It will contain the "endpoints" of the web service - which
will be routed to the other projects.

I have a project containing the implementation of the Web Service.

I have a project which is a client of the web service. It will need the
wsdl and schemas from the Web project. This project also needs to be
consistent with the Web Service implementation

I have a EAR project which will collect everything above (it's not that
important in this context).

The concerns I have is what is the best way to do the following:

1.  Keep the schemas and wsdl consistent between the Web Project and the
client project. They must be identical. The wsdl is needed for
documentation, the schema is needed to generate some Java code (using

2.  Ensuring the client project and implementation project stay with
consistent versions, and stay in sync with the Web Project.

Normally I would classpath-type things, but this situation is not really
applicable to classpaths. I'm not convinced the best way is to copy the
files during the build (or even if that is possible via Maven between

Any ideas would be appreciated!



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