Hi there,

I'm upgrading to the latest maven-ant-tasks 2.0.7 from 2.0.4 and am
having problems downloading snapshot dependencies.  My build.xml is
something like:

<maven:remoteRepository id="release-repo" url="http://xxx/";>
        <snapshots enabled="false"/>

<maven:remoteRepository id="snapshot-repo" url="http://yyy/";>
        <releases enabled="false"/>

<maven:dependencies filesetId="myFileset">
        <dependency groupId="myGroupId" artifactId="myArtifactId"
        <remoteRepository refid="release-repo"/>
        <remoteRepository refid="snapshot-repo"/>

But it's failing downloading the snapshot artifact since it's trying
to download a URL ending with "-SNAPSHOT", and not the
"-yyyymmdd-hhmmss-n" version.  So it appears to be assuming a remote
repo with uniqueVersion=true when this is not the case.  I've had a
quick browse of the code and it appears uniqueVersion=false for
build.xml declared repos, so not sure what's happening here?

Is this a known issue?



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