
I have a multi-module project, where one of the modules is a WAR, with
several dependencies
packaged in its WEB-INF/lib directory. The top-level project builds an
assembly, which needs
to contain the WAR in an unpacked form.

I used the <unpack>true</unpack> and <unpackOptions> tags to make sure the
WAR is unpacked AND to exclude its "WEB-INF/lib" directory.

The problem is that the excludes in 'unpackOptions' doesn't seem to affect
the assembly; my JARs
are still unpacked from the WAR and stored in my assembly.

POM structure is:

myproject ("pom" packaging, does NOT extend parent)
   +---parent module ("pom" packaging, others extend this one)
   +---war module ("war" packaging, extends parent)
   +---other modules...

The assembly descriptor is as follows (created on the 'package' phase of the

                <!-- the directory in the dist to contain the WAR contents


                <!-- filter out our dependencies, they are already in the
WEB-INF/lib -->

                <!-- unpack our WAR - this works great -->

                <!-- make sure that we don't include the libraries from our
WAR by excluding them -->
        ...(irrelevant to this mail)
Note that instead of "**/*.jar" I have also tried "/WEB-INF/lib/*.jar",
"/WEB-INF/lib", and similar combinations, but to no avail.

If anyone has encountered anything like that, or if you spot something I'm
doing wrong here - I'd appreciate your help.
   Arik Kfir.

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