To run from eclipse you would have to look at the Eclipse plugin. [1] 
Basically, you would run mvn eclipse:eclipse (optional: -DdownloadSources=true 
and/or -DdownloadJavadoc=true) and create a M2_REPO variable inside Eclipse. 
This would set up your classpath for eclipse.

To create a runnable version of your application, take a look at the 
appassembler plugin[2]. This will create startup scripts, copy all your libs, 
generally just create the right structure in your target directory. After that, 
you can wrap it up with the assembly plugin[3], to create .zip, .tar.gz or such 


Nick Stolwijk


-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Godman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu 10/25/2007 8:49 AM
Subject: new to maven

I am new to Maven 2. I have been converting an application consisting of 4 
eclipse projects, 3 producing library jars the the final one running the 

I have got to the stage where every thing now compiles and the 3 jar files are 
deployed in my repository (I am using artifactory).

My application also compiles.

My issues is that despite a lot of reading I still can not work out how to run 
my application!

There are external jars required, these are set as dependencies in the POM.

What I would like to achieve is to be able to run the application from within 
the eclipse debug environment. To do this I need to get not only the generated 
jar files but also the library jars and the XML configuration files on the 
class path. Ideally also in a directory so that I can copy it and run the 
application on another machine.

I am sure this is not difficult to do but at this moment in time I am unable to 
work it out.


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