On Monday 29 October 2007 05:46:25 pm Yan Huang wrote:
> Hello Folks,
> If I want to run the same unit test cases against a list of DBs within a
> single build, is there a way to configure it in pom.xml? Basically, let's
> say I want to run the tests against oracle, sybase and mysql in sequence
> within the same "test" phase, how can I do it? Maven1 has a jelly's tag
> called "<j:forEach>" to navigate through a collection, how can I achieve
> the same on maven2?
> Thanks
> Yan

I was never able to figure out a way to do it.  We ended up with with 
different test runs, one for each DB, using profiles.


Depending upon how you 'prepare and then acquire' connections to the DB, you 
would be able to achieve this using a custom suite.

Steve Ebersole

Hibernate Project Lead

Principal Software Engineer

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