Any time, Dave! Some people simply need a little nudge in the right direction.

It seems like a lot of people on this list either don't realize or
forget that Maven is Open Source Software. You're a developer, right??
If you want a feature and it isn't obviously available, go write some
code!! Maven plugins are (generally) trivial to modify or even create
from scratch to deal with a particular issue.

The only way that Maven gets any better is by the contributions of
people (like yourself) -- some in the core dev team and others who are
simply motivated users who want to get their work done.

In the (short) amount of time we've spent discussing this issue, you
could have already written and tested your addition to the Eclipse
plugin, and you'd be on dealing with the next issue in your project.


On 11/2/07, Dave Feltenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you for pointing out that if a feature doesn't exist I'm free to
> add the necessary features myself, Wayne.
> On Nov 2, 2007 2:16 PM, Wayne Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Its possible this functionality is not currently available. Take a
> > look at the source code, add in your needed features, and contribute
> > it back for future inclusion in the next release of the Eclipse
> > plugin.
> >
> > Wayne
> >
> >
> > On 11/2/07, Dave Feltenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > All,
> > >
> > > Does anybody know if it's possible (and if so, how) to add the native
> > > library location to a classpath entry?  Specifically the Eclipse
> > > .project classpath attribute
> > > "org.eclipse.jdt.launching.CLASSPATH_ATTR_LIBRARY_PATH_ENTRY".  I'd
> > > like to have some dlls in my library path without having to add
> > > additional JVM arguments everytime I create a launcher (and without
> > > having to specify it JVM-wide or something).  The closest thing I
> > > could find in the project documentation was "classpathContainers", but
> > > that's not exactly it.  Here's an example of what I'd want the end
> > > result to be:
> > >
> > >        <classpathentry exported="true" kind="lib"
> > > path="M2_REPO/org/ecliplse/swt/swt/3.323/swt.jar">
> > >                <attributes>
> > >                        <attribute 
> > > name="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.CLASSPATH_ATTR_LIBRARY_PATH_ENTRY"
> > > value="MySwtProject/target/swt-native-libs"/>
> > >                </attributes>
> > >        </classpathentry>
> > >
> > > And I can't figure out how to add the additional attributes without
> > > doing it manually in Eclipse everytime.
> > >
> > > Thanks.
> > >
> > > Dave
> > >
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