Where do I configure to have a shared library file included correctly in an
executable assembly file?
I've been looking in the assembly plugin area with no luck.

When I try to run the executable jar file I get an
UnsatisfiedLinkError:Expecting an absolute path of the library:

I'm assembling an executable jar file and I need a shared library to be
assembled in the file and effectively in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

When I run
mvn package assembly:assembly

I'd like the libmylib.so file to be in the executable assembly and in the
load path.

In eclipse, I simply put the file in the
mylib/src/main/java/resources/org/mylib/socket directory and maven places
the file in the
mylib/target/classes/org/mylib/socket/ directory when I run
mvn compile

I can the execute the file.

When I try to run the executable jar file I get an
UnsatisfiedLinkError:Expecting an absolute path of the library:

Thanks in advance,


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