I'd really (really really) try not to mess with the maven versioning - it's
a recipe for having to custom write loads of stuff, and it really is pretty
fundamental to the operation of maven. Without it, I'm not sure there's much
reason to change if it's currently working...
That said... Is there some reason the JARs *can't* have a version (I.E. why
can't you create 4 website projects with the dependencies of the JARs set to
particular versions)?

 You can always write a custom script or MOJO (ANT or GROOVY) to move things
about during the build (including the repository) - perhaps that's a way

On Nov 13, 2007 2:31 PM, Christian Andersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> quick recap..
> Hi there,  first some history  :-)
> I'm currently using maven 1.0.3 (yes, I know it is old, but it works for
> me) and we are currently switching from cvs to subversion. Along with
> this switch from cvs to subversion we are also going to try to switch
> from  our old maven to maven 2 (2.0.7)
> We are developing web applications that share many of our projects
> and we have several installed out at the customers, unfourtunally due to
>  our own laziness and some reasons from the customers, they are not
> always updated at the same time to a newer version..
> so, what we have is then something like this (example)
> website1  using v1 of all jar files
> website2  using v1.02 of some jar files and v1 of the rest
> website3  using v1.1 of some jar files and v1 of the rest
> website4  using v1.02 of some jar files and v1 of the rest
> this is no problem since different versions can be stored in the
> repository at the same time..
> however some external dependencies and unfourtunally some of our own, do
> not have version information, or are still in V1 even though there are
> differences between 2 sites..
> when developing for the different sites we checked out the different
> branches (source code) from cvs into dedicated folders..
> for example
> branches/website1/projects/.... (all projects)
> branches/website2/projects/.... (all projects)
> branches/website3/projects/.... (all projects)
> branches/website4/projects/.... (all projects)
> and to be able to support our unversioned jar files (or different jar
> files with the same version number) we simple put the repository for
> each website inside the directory for the website (using the
> MAVEN_HOME_LOCAL and MAVEN_HOME_USER so that we could have per site
> repositories and settings.
> branches/website1/repository/...
> branches/website2/repository/....
> branches/website3/repository/....
> branches/website4/repository/....
> now after such long description here is my question..
> from what I have learned about maven 2 there is no such environment
> variables that I can set and maven2 reads only settings from 3 different
> places?  the global settings, the settings in the users home directory
> and the settings for the project.. that means I cannot create a per
> "site" settings.xml with the localRepository set to a specific directory ?
> I can probably create a settings.xml file per project but that means
> many files in many places that needs to be set up, and if one of them is
> wrong......
> I tried creating a settings.xml for the parent (pom) project but that
> did not look like it was working (still using /home/user/.m2/repository)
> can this be done, or are there better ways  to do this (yes versioning
> all files would be best, but that is not a realistic option at the
> moment..
> --
> Christian Andersson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Configuration and Collaboration for OpenOffice.org
> Open Framework Systems AS http://www.ofs.no
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