
I often have to build an external dependency and deploy it in our
corporate repository. For that I tend to use the deploy plugin
specifying the alternative repository using -DaltDeploymentRepository.
For complex projects, I need to deploy multiple artifacts, so the
deploy-file mojo isn't up to the task. If I use the deploy mojo, then
I run into a problem: I cannot specify the version, especially when
those are SNAPSHOTs.

I end up usually modifying the various POMs to specify the version
number I want my project to have when deploying (often suffixing the
number with a company id and patch number, and replacing SNAPSHOT with
the current date). This can be tedious if I don't script it, which I
usually do.

I am trying to see if there's a better way...

Has anyone a better solution ? Would a patch to the deploy mojo that
adds the part of the release:prepare mojo that changes the version
numbers be a good idea ? Any suggestion ?

A side problem is that I often have to track the changes made to the
project before being able to deploy. I end up making a code diff
manually and placing this diff somewhere, along with a description of
the changes. This patch might be interesting to deploy to the
artifactory, together with the sources, as part of the deploy plugin.
Maybe adding a set of flags -Ddeploysources -Ddeploydiff

Jerome Lacoste

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