On Dec 21, 2007 6:01 PM, Tawfik, Sameh E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When I run mvn site from the top project level, maven creates the site
> subfolder \projects\target\site
> When I click on the index.html file form
> "C:\Projects\target\site\index.html" an error message get displayed
> showing the wrong path in the link reference?
> The error message is as follow: "Cannot find
> file://C:/Projects/traget/site/Common/index.html". Make Sure the path or
> Internet address is correct.
> The correct path should be: C:/Projects/Common/target/site/index.html,
> but for a reason the above wrong path is used?
> Does anyone know how to fix this error?

The links are generated so that they will be correct when the site is
deployed.  It's not intended that you view it from target/site.

The site plugin has goals for deploying the site, or staging it in an
alternate location, which can be local.


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