Googling "maven dependency scope" brings me to this documentation page:


> In pom.xml, under <dependency> element we have <scope> element which
> can have values like compile, provided, runtime,
> test, system.  I have below questions:
> 1. Can I assume "compile" means it is available in all types of
> classpaths like compile-time, provided, runtime, test ?   Is "compile"
> a superset of other scope values like provided, runtime, test, system.
> 2. what does the scope value "provided" means ? what is the difference
> between "compile" and "provided" ?
> 3. what does the scope value "system" means ? For this type of scope,
> do we have to provide the required jars using -D argument when running
> mvn command like for example "mvn -Djava.ext.dirs=c:\a.jar install" ?
> 4. what does the scope value "runtime" means? I cannot think of any
> dependency that is not needed at compile time but needed at runtime.
> For example if my project depends on junit then I need junit at
> compile time for compiling my project and also I need junit at runtime
> to successfully execute my project then for this example what does
> "runtime" means?
> Thank you.
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