
This will probably become obvious 5 minutes after i write this, but
right now I'm stumped.

I have plugin which as part of the generate-resource phase generates a
set of configuration files based on a template. The plugin places these
files in target/config with the following filename pattern:
<Identifier>_<env>_config.xml, where Identifier is shared among all
config files generated, but env will vary: For example:
MyModule_stage_config.xml, MyModule_local_config.xml, etc.

The plugin attaches each of the generated config files using:
project.AttachArtifact(project, "xml", "configs", <generated file>). The
module involved has an artifact id of "test"

Generation works fine and the target/config directory is populated
correctly. The problem comes when packaging/installing. As part of the
packaging/install Maven changes the name of MyModule_stage_config.xml to
"test.xml". Not a good thing :-)

Essentially I need to tell maven that when packaging an artifact with an
attachment of type "configs" to determine the packaged named based on
the file name.

Any ideas on how to accomplish this?



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