You're right, properties interpolation IS NOT used to compute file path
during profile activation.
The main cause is that profiles may define / override properties values.

I agree that some properties like ${basedir} and ${settings.x} MAY be
supported, as this restriction makes the file based activation useless.

Not sure but there may allready be a Jira issue about this. Please search or
create one for this, as this SHOULD be fixed in future maven 2.x


2008/1/16, Patrizio Munzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to manage profiles activations/deactivations by using the
> activation tag among with the file tag.
> What I would like to do is to activate a particular profile only if a
> specified folder is present into the local repository.
> The profile configuration I'm using is the following:
>   <profiles>
>     <profile>
>       <id>apache</id>
>       <activation>
>         <activeByDefault>false</activeByDefault>
>         <file>
> <missing>${settings.localRepository
> }/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-jar-plugin/2.2-SNAPSHOT</missing>
>         </file>
>       </activation>
>       <repositories>
>         [...]
>       </repositories>
>       <pluginRepositories>
>         [...]
>       </pluginRepositories>
>     </profile>
>   </profiles>
> Now, if I use the explicit path of the local repository everything works
> well, instead if I use the property ${settings.localRepository} id
> doesn't work. It seems that maven isn't able to give a value to the
> property. I tried this profile configuration in both settings.xml and
> pom.xml files.
> Moreover I even tried to use different properties (e.g. ${user.dir}.
> ${usr.home}) but in all the case I had no successful results.
> Have I missed something...?
> Is there any problem in managing properties..?
> Thanks
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