No one? Please?

2008/1/11, Fernando da Motta Hildebrand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I'm using Maven 1.x with Axis 1, here's below my maven.xml
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <project xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:maven="jelly:maven"
> xmlns:ant="jelly:ant" xmlns:u="jelly:util" default="radar:build">
>   <preGoal name="java:compile" >
>     <mkdir dir="${}/xdoclet/webdoclet/WEB-INF" />
>       <attainGoal name="xdoclet:webdoclet" />
>       <attainGoal name="wsdl" />
>       <ant:path id=" axis.src.set">
>       <ant:pathelement location="${}" />
>     </ant:path>
>     <maven:addPath id="maven.compile.src.set" refid="axis.src.set"/>
>   </preGoal>
>   <preGoal name="war:webapp">
>     <j:set var="" value="${maven.war.webapp.dir
> }/WEB-INF"/>
>     <j:set var=" " value="${maven.war.webapp.dir
> }/META-INF"/>
>     <ant:mkdir dir="${}"/>
>     <ant:mkdir dir="${}"/>
>     <ant:echo>Copying server-config.wsdd and context.xml...</ant:echo>
>     <ant:copy todir="${}" preservelastmodified="true">
>       <ant:fileset dir="${maven.src.dir}/conf"
>         includes="server-config.wsdd">
>       </ant:fileset>
>     </ant:copy>
>     <ant:copy todir="${}" preservelastmodified="true">
>       <ant:fileset dir="${ maven.src.dir}/conf"
>         includes="context.xml">
>       </ant:fileset>
>     </ant:copy>
>   </preGoal>
>     <!-- Goal that generates the wsdl for the target class -->
>       <pregoal name="wsdl">
>         <!-- <mkdir dir="${}/wsdl" /> -->
>         <path id="compile.classpath">
>           <pathelement path="${}/classes" />
>         </path>
>         <taskdef name="axis-jjava2wsdl" classname="
>           <classpath refid=" compile.classpath" />
>           <classpath refid="maven.dependency.classpath" />
>         </taskdef>
>         <ant:axis-java2wsdl
>                  classname="
> "
>                 style="rpc"
>                 namespace="urn:${pom.artifactId}"
> location="http://localhost:8080/${pom.artifactId}/soap/${pom.artifactId}<http://localhost:8080/$%7Bpom.artifactId%7D/soap/$%7Bpom.artifactId%7D>"
>                 output="${maven.src.dir}\webapp\${pom.artifactId}.wsdl">
>         </ant:axis-java2wsdl>
>       </pregoal>
>   <goal name="radar:build" prereqs="clean,wsdl,war:install"/>
>    <goal name="radar:deploy"
> prereqs="clean,tomcat:undeploy,tomcat:deploy"/>
> </project>
> But I can't get it to work, it doesn't generate any wsdl files.
> Can anyone give a hint here?
> Thanks.
> --
> Fernando da Motta Hildebrand
> IT Consultant
> Brooks' Law : "adding manpower to a late software project makes it
> later..."

Fernando da Motta Hildebrand
IT Consultant
Brooks' Law : "adding manpower to a late software project makes it later..."

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