
i was wondering if there's any way to do simple scripting in a pom? the specific case i'm trying to solve is to generate a database schema name based on the version of the project. If my project version is 0.1-SNAPSHOT i'd like the database to be called 0_1_snapshot since '.' and '-' are restricted characters in postgres. i think scripting would be the only way to accomplish this otherwise i would have to manually set the new database name with every version change.

another case i've got is where i want to negate a boolean property - this is in the case of the sql plugin which has a 'skip' config parameter, in my case i want to have a property called 'init.database.user' which has requires a property of true to activate instead of 'init.database.user.skip' which would require a false value. trivial i know, but i think it makes the properties a bit more intuitive. is there any way i can do boolean operators on properties, something like:



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