Actually, this is a bug. I didn't have time to file it yet, but from Maven 2.0.7 to 2.0.8 dependencies within the <plugin> definition suddenly are ignored in multi-module projects. Try to declare your dependency as a normal dependency in your parent pom. Or use Maven 2.0.7.



Niall Pemberton wrote:
I'm using the vsersion 1.2.0 of the maven-bundle-plugin from the felix
project - it has a dependency on version 0.0.227 of bndlib (groupId
"biz.aQute") and I wanted to try the plugin out with version 0.0.236
of bndlib. I tried specifying this in the plugin's dependencies both
in the dependencyManagement section and in the plugin config in the
build section:


netiher seem to have any effect - it still used version 0.0.227 of
bndlib. The docs seem to indicate that this should work - does it, or
is this a bug?


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