On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 11:06 AM, Brown, Carlton

>  I've got a problem where an artifact downloaded to the filesystem cannot
>  be browsed.  There's some problem with either the database scanning or
>  repository indexing.   The maven metadata files are not being generated.
>  The pom file appears to be good.

By downloaded, do you mean you are using Archiva as a proxy?  Or do
you have an external process that is writing to the filesystem?

The first thing I'd track down is why there is no metadata file.

There is a checkbox in the Archiva config that will make it create
missing metadata files.  Try checking that box and then clicking
'scan' and then 'update database'.  Does it now show up in browse?

(I've seen it create missing metadata files.  I'm less sure about its
ability to repair broken ones.)


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