The new ones prompt you from the command line. Just pick the one you need from 
the prompts.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Cook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2008 4:07 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Maven ignores my archetype selection

Thanks for the quick answer.  I don't particularly need old style commands,
and didn't really realise there were 'old-style' and 'new-style' commands, I
was just following the documentation - eg. Maven in 5
which the first command in my post was taken.

So, given that I don't need old-style commands, what do new-style commands
look like?  Where can I find documentation on them?


On Sat, Feb 16, 2008 at 6:03 PM, Brian E. Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Use org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:1.0-alpha-7:create if
> you need the old style commands. The new version 2.0 has an issue with
> backwards compat and should be fixed shortly.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Cook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 9:42 PM
> To:
> Subject: Maven ignores my archetype selection
> Hi all,
> I hate asking noob questions, but I have looked in the bug tracker, the
> FAQ,
> the list archive and the doco and can't see any mention of it, so here
> goes:
> I have downloaded maven 2.0.8 on my Ubuntu gutsy machine, unpacked it and
> moved it to /usr/local/apache-maven.  I have set up my environment as
> follows:
> >echo $M2
> /usr/local/apache-maven/bin
> >echo $M2_HOME
> /usr/local/apache-maven
> >echo $JAVA_HOME
> /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun
> >java -version
> java version "1.5.0_13"
> Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_13-b05)
> Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_13-b05, mixed mode, sharing)
> >mvn -version
> /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/bin/java -classpath
> /usr/local/apache-maven/boot/classworlds-1.1.jar -
> Dclassworlds.conf=/usr/local/apache-maven/bin/m2.conf -
> Dmaven.home=/usr/local/apache-maven org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher
> "-version"
> Maven version: 2.0.8
> Java version: 1.5.0_13
> OS name: "linux" version: "2.6.22-14-generic" arch: "i386" Family: "unix"
> But when I try:
> >mvn archetype:create -DartifactId=my-app
> [INFO] Scanning for projects...
> [INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'archetype'.
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Building Maven Default Project
> [INFO]    task-segment: [archetype:create] (aggregator-style)
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Preparing archetype:create
> [INFO] No goals needed for project - skipping
> Downloading:
> Downloading:
> [INFO] Setting property: classpath.resource.loader.class => '
> org.codehaus.plexus.velocity.ContextClassLoaderResourceLoader'.
> [INFO] Setting property: velocimacro.messages.on => 'false'.
> [INFO] Setting property: resource.loader => 'classpath'.
> [INFO] Setting property: resource.manager.logwhenfound => 'false'.
> [INFO] [archetype:create]
> Choose archetype:
> 1: internal -> appfuse-basic-jsf (AppFuse archetype for creating a web
> application with Hibernate, Spring and JSF)
> 2: internal -> appfuse-basic-spring (AppFuse archetype for creating a web
> application with Hibernate, Spring and Spring MVC)
> 3: internal -> appfuse-basic-struts (AppFuse archetype for creating a web
> application with Hibernate, Spring and Struts 2)
> 4: internal -> appfuse-basic-tapestry (AppFuse archetype for creating a
> web
> application with Hibernate, Spring and Tapestry 4)
> 5: internal -> appfuse-core (AppFuse archetype for creating a jar
> application with Hibernate and Spring and XFire)
> 6: internal -> appfuse-modular-jsf (AppFuse archetype for creating a
> modular
> application with Hibernate, Spring and JSF)
> 7: internal -> appfuse-modular-spring (AppFuse archetype for creating a
> modular application with Hibernate, Spring and Spring MVC)
> 8: internal -> appfuse-modular-struts (AppFuse archetype for creating a
> modular application with Hibernate, Spring and Struts 2)
> 9: internal -> appfuse-modular-tapestry (AppFuse archetype for creating a
> modular application with Hibernate, Spring and Tapestry 4)
> 10: internal -> maven-archetype-j2ee-simple (A simple J2EE Java
> application)
> 11: internal -> maven-archetype-marmalade-mojo (A Maven plugin development
> project using marmalade)
> 12: internal -> maven-archetype-mojo (A Maven Java plugin development
> project)
> 13: internal -> maven-archetype-portlet (A simple portlet application)
> 14: internal -> maven-archetype-profiles ()
> 15: internal -> maven-archetype-quickstart ()
> 16: internal -> maven-archetype-site-simple (A simple site generation
> project)
> 17: internal -> maven-archetype-site (A more complex site project)
> 18: internal -> maven-archetype-webapp (A simple Java web application)
> 19: internal -> struts2-archetype-starter (A starter Struts 2 application
> with Sitemesh, DWR, and Spring)
> 20: internal -> struts2-archetype-blank (A minimal Struts 2 application)
> 21: internal -> struts2-archetype-portlet (A minimal Struts 2 application
> that can be deployed as a portlet)
> 22: internal -> struts2-archetype-dbportlet (A starter Struts 2 portlet
> that
> demonstrates a simple CRUD interface with db backing)
> 23: internal -> struts2-archetype-plugin (A Struts 2 plugin)
> 24: internal -> shale-archetype-blank (A blank Shale web application with
> JSF)
> 25: internal -> maven-adf-archetype (Archetype to ease the burden of
> creating a new application based with ADF)
> 26: internal -> data-app (A new Databinder application with sources and
> resources.)
> 27: internal -> jini-service-archetype (Archetype for Jini service project
> creation)
> 28: internal -> softeu-archetype-seam (JSF+Facelets+Seam Archetype)
> 29: internal -> softeu-archetype-seam-simple (JSF+Facelets+Seam (no
> persistence) Archetype)
> 30: internal -> softeu-archetype-jsf (JSF+Facelets Archetype)
> 31: internal -> jpa-maven-archetype (JPA application)
> 32: internal -> spring-osgi-bundle-archetype (Spring-OSGi archetype)
> 33: internal -> confluence-plugin-archetype (Atlassian Confluence plugin
> archetype)
> 34: internal -> maven-archetype-har (Hibernate Archive)
> 35: internal -> maven-archetype-sar (JBoss Service Archive)
> 36: internal -> wicket-archetype-quickstart (A simple Apache Wicket
> project)
> Choose a number:
> (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/32/33/34/35/36):
> Some questions:
> The doco seems to imply that maven will select the default archetype,
> quickstart, but it doesn't.  Why?
> Why does it try to download
> That doesn't look like it makes much sense to me, but perhaps I am missing
> something?
> I tried specifying the archetype explicitly on the command line
> (trailsframework is the thing I am actually interested in):
> >mvn archetype:create
> -DarchetypeGroupId=
> org.trailsframework-DarchetypeArtifactId=trails-archetype
> -DarchetypeVersion=
> 1.1.1 -DartifactId=myTrailsProject
> [INFO] Scanning for projects...
> [INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'archetype'.
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Building Maven Default Project
> [INFO]    task-segment: [archetype:create] (aggregator-style)
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Preparing archetype:create
> [INFO] No goals needed for project - skipping
> Downloading:
> Downloading:
> [INFO] Setting property: classpath.resource.loader.class => '
> org.codehaus.plexus.velocity.ContextClassLoaderResourceLoader'.
> [INFO] Setting property: velocimacro.messages.on => 'false'.
> [INFO] Setting property: resource.loader => 'classpath'.
> [INFO] Setting property: resource.manager.logwhenfound => 'false'.
> [INFO] [archetype:create]
> [WARNING] No archetype repository found.
> [WARNING] Specified archetype not found.
> Choose archetype:
> 1: internal -> appfuse-basic-jsf (AppFuse archetype for creating a web
> application with Hibernate, Spring and JSF)
> 2: internal -> appfuse-basic-spring (AppFuse archetype for creating a web
> application with Hibernate, Spring and Spring MVC)
> 3: internal -> appfuse-basic-struts (AppFuse archetype for creating a web
> application with Hibernate, Spring and Struts 2)
> 4: internal -> appfuse-basic-tapestry (AppFuse archetype for creating a
> web
> application with Hibernate, Spring and Tapestry 4)
> 5: internal -> appfuse-core (AppFuse archetype for creating a jar
> application with Hibernate and Spring and XFire)
> 6: internal -> appfuse-modular-jsf (AppFuse archetype for creating a
> modular
> application with Hibernate, Spring and JSF)
> 7: internal -> appfuse-modular-spring (AppFuse archetype for creating a
> modular application with Hibernate, Spring and Spring MVC)
> 8: internal -> appfuse-modular-struts (AppFuse archetype for creating a
> modular application with Hibernate, Spring and Struts 2)
> 9: internal -> appfuse-modular-tapestry (AppFuse archetype for creating a
> modular application with Hibernate, Spring and Tapestry 4)
> 10: internal -> maven-archetype-j2ee-simple (A simple J2EE Java
> application)
> 11: internal -> maven-archetype-marmalade-mojo (A Maven plugin development
> project using marmalade)
> 12: internal -> maven-archetype-mojo (A Maven Java plugin development
> project)
> 13: internal -> maven-archetype-portlet (A simple portlet application)
> 14: internal -> maven-archetype-profiles ()
> 15: internal -> maven-archetype-quickstart ()
> 16: internal -> maven-archetype-site-simple (A simple site generation
> project)
> 17: internal -> maven-archetype-site (A more complex site project)
> 18: internal -> maven-archetype-webapp (A simple Java web application)
> 19: internal -> struts2-archetype-starter (A starter Struts 2 application
> with Sitemesh, DWR, and Spring)
> 20: internal -> struts2-archetype-blank (A minimal Struts 2 application)
> 21: internal -> struts2-archetype-portlet (A minimal Struts 2 application
> that can be deployed as a portlet)
> 22: internal -> struts2-archetype-dbportlet (A starter Struts 2 portlet
> that
> demonstrates a simple CRUD interface with db backing)
> 23: internal -> struts2-archetype-plugin (A Struts 2 plugin)
> 24: internal -> shale-archetype-blank (A blank Shale web application with
> JSF)
> 25: internal -> maven-adf-archetype (Archetype to ease the burden of
> creating a new application based with ADF)
> 26: internal -> data-app (A new Databinder application with sources and
> resources.)
> 27: internal -> jini-service-archetype (Archetype for Jini service project
> creation)
> 28: internal -> softeu-archetype-seam (JSF+Facelets+Seam Archetype)
> 29: internal -> softeu-archetype-seam-simple (JSF+Facelets+Seam (no
> persistence) Archetype)
> 30: internal -> softeu-archetype-jsf (JSF+Facelets Archetype)
> 31: internal -> jpa-maven-archetype (JPA application)
> 32: internal -> spring-osgi-bundle-archetype (Spring-OSGi archetype)
> 33: internal -> confluence-plugin-archetype (Atlassian Confluence plugin
> archetype)
> 34: internal -> maven-archetype-har (Hibernate Archive)
> 35: internal -> maven-archetype-sar (JBoss Service Archive)
> 36: internal -> wicket-archetype-quickstart (A simple Apache Wicket
> project)
> Choose a number:
> (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/32/33/34/35/36):
> It did exactly the same thing!  Why has it ignored my selection of the
> archetype?  Why doesn't it try to download trails-archetype?  I can see
> looks to match the archetype specified pretty well.
> This looks a bit as though it might be related to issue MNG-3356, but I
> don't have any other commons-cli installation:
> >apt-cache policy libcommons-cli-java
> libcommons-cli-java:
>  Installed: (none)
>  Candidate: 1.0-8
>  Version table:
>     1.0-8 0
>        500 gutsy/universe Packages
> and besides Maven looks like it has its own version built in:
> >jar tf /usr/local/apache-maven/lib/maven-2.0.8-uber.jar | grep
> commons/cli
> org/apache/commons/cli/
> org/apache/commons/cli/AlreadySelectedException.class
> org/apache/commons/cli/ParseException.class
> org/apache/commons/cli/CommandLine.class
> org/apache/commons/cli/Option.class
> org/apache/commons/cli/CommandLineParser.class
> org/apache/commons/cli/Options.class
> org/apache/commons/cli/OptionGroup.class
> org/apache/commons/cli/Parser.class
> org/apache/commons/cli/MissingOptionException.class
> org/apache/commons/cli/GnuParser.class
> org/apache/commons/cli/HelpFormatter$StringBufferComparator.class
> org/apache/commons/cli/HelpFormatter$1.class
> org/apache/commons/cli/HelpFormatter.class
> org/apache/commons/cli/MissingArgumentException.class
> org/apache/commons/cli/PatternOptionBuilder.class
> org/apache/commons/cli/PosixParser.class
> org/apache/commons/cli/TypeHandler.class
> org/apache/commons/cli/UnrecognizedOptionException.class
> org/apache/commons/cli/OptionBuilder.class
> org/apache/commons/cli/BasicParser.class
> What am I doing wrong???
> Tom

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