Manos Batsis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Is there something you need beyond a jslint report for syntax
> errors/best practices in general? You can get a jslint report from
> jstools see [1] for an example. Nicolas' javascript plugin over at
> codehaus also offers jslint checking.

Thanks for your answers (yours and Nicolas):
 - JSlint reports are not really useful and it seems that the parser
 used is quite old, isn't it ? I need to parse javascript 1.7 or 1.8
 (eg. what's used in Mozilla) and jslint reports false negative with
 such code 
 - I use personally jsunit, with integration in surefire: I can
 generate something that is understandable by surefire plugin which
 generates a nice output report for my unit tests. To do this, you
 need to hack a bit jsunit, I have provided some code I think in the
 past but could not remind how/when/where. 
 - What I was thinking about is something along the following: read
 all js files with rhino to have an approximate compile phase that
 would check obvious errors that otherwise go unnoticed in javascript
 (eg. undefined variables/functions, incorrect spellings...)
 - I would like to have a xpi package type. I plan to work on
 something soon, but if someone already did it...
 - I don't know how to handle dependencies really. I would like to use
 them like in java,so that declared dependencies in the pom are
 available both at "compile" and "runtime". That could imply doing
 some magic with unpacking/classpath to run unit tests.

best regards,
Arnaud Bailly, PhD
OQube - Software Engineering

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