Another information...
I noticed that the site is ways wrong generated if I run maven outside the
pom.xml 's directory, specifying the pom.xml location with the --file

Is that a site plugin bug!???
Any ideas!?

Thanks a lot!

On Feb 20, 2008 3:25 PM, Mael Caldas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm running mvn site:site two dirs above the pom's directory, specifying
> the pom.xml location with the --file argument and the site is generated
> wrong. If I run in the same directory of the pom.xml, everything goes
> right.
> That is my dir structure:
> My_CC_View\
>            |
>            |____My_CC_VOB\
>                               |
>                               |____project
>                                             |
>                                             |___pom.xml
> So, I go to the *My_CC_View* and run the command:
> *mvn -f My_CC_VOB/project/pom.xml site:site site:deploy
> *And the build goes ok, but the site is generated as the *My_CC_View* was
> the project, without any links and descriptions.
> I have this need because I'm running the command on Continuum and had the
> same problem described here:
> I put the correct pom.xml location on continuum (*
> My_CC_VOB/project/pom.xml)*, the project is checked out, the build goes
> ok, but the site not!
> Any Idea!!!???
> Thanks!!!

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