Create an extra artifact A of packing type pom.
Declare the dependency to the shared module M within A, with the version you want/need. In your projects P1, P2, ... declare a dependency on A (here, a version range is useful, since A is your own project). Thus, all projects P1...Px use the same version of M, namely the one you declare in A. If you want to change to another version of M, change it in A and deploy/release it.



EJ Ciramella wrote:
So we have a module that is shared across multiple deployable units.
It's imperative that each deployable unit uses the SAME version of this
If these deployable units are in their OWN project structure, how do you
uniformly enforce they use the same version without letting each
deployable unit have it's very own dependency listing.  We've tried
making the version a property in our current parent project, but this
doesn't feel like it's the correct place to put them (we're slowly
becoming more and more modular - and realizing there's no true parent to
all projects). How have people solved this in scenario?

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