But I had checked some plugins that gets shipped with eclipse (3.3) for
instance org.apache.batik_1.6.0.v20061222-1222, they do have a lib folder
inside them but their Manifest.mf file looks a little different, it doesn't
have an entry for Bundle.classpath, rather it has mentioned many packages in
Export Packages.

What could be the case with that plugin? Is it because they are not using
maven? or something else? Just curious.


On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 6:37 PM, Graham Leggett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> amit kumar wrote:
> > Copying the dependencies to the root file is what has worked till now.
> But
> > the ultimate packaged plug in looks a little messy. So I was just trying
> to
> > do accomplish the copying of dependency to the lib folder as an
> > improvisation.
> The need to copy the dependencies to the root folder comes about due to
> an Eclipse bug - The Eclipse IDE has a feature that allows you to add
> "links" to dependencies, and the Eclipse IDE puts these in links in the
> root of the project.
> Unfortunately this linked dependencies feature is not mirrored in the
> ant based Eclipse PDE build code, which takes the existence of the files
> literally. If the files aren't physically in the root directory, then
> the PDE build will fail.
> You may also encounter this in Eclipse on it's own: your project may
> build and run fine from within the IDE, but when you run "export your
> product" the Eclipse build mysteriously fails.
> Regards,
> Graham
> --

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