On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 12:26 PM, David Siefert <

> Hello,
> Is there a way to configure a POM to run a single test during the
> integration-test-phase via command line?
> ie,
> mvn verify -Dtest=MyIntegrationTest
> That way I can do the necessary build work in pre-integration-test to
> prepare to run the integration-test phase.
> Thanks,
> David

Ok, I am going to solve this myself. :)

While trying to solve another problem, I found out there is a property in
the maven-invoker-plugin that will let you run a single test.  Although I am
not using the maven-invoker-plugin to run the build (instead I am just
running the project directly at command line), the property still works.
Here it is:

mvn <phase> -Dinvoker.test=<classname>


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