ewryan wrote:
> I define properties such as ${myVersion}, ${myArtifactId}, ${myGroupId} in
> the parent pom.  These properties are inherited by the children (as
> expected) when running goals such as clean, package, or install.    
> I start to see problems when I try to use the site plugin.  


I asked the very same question a while ago and got no real answer. I
tried to figure out what happened in the code. What i found out is the

The site plugin handles every subproject like a normal top level
project. So it reads the pom for the subproject at first. After that it
tries to locate the pom for the parent project. For this it uses the
information of the <parent> block in the pom.

In our case the <parent> block in the subproject pom depends on
properties from the parent pom that is not known at this point in time
so the properties can't be resolved.

I don't see a satisfying solution for this problem. But i think we need
the knowledge of a maven (plugin) programmer here.


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