Never mind, Answered my own question.
Setting velocity parameter in pom.xml will be visible as global to all other resources filter.

Zemian Deng

On Mar 4, 2008, at Tue Mar 4 - 11:07 AM, Zemian Deng wrote:

This is for maven-archetype-plugin related.

There is a "Closed-Won't Fix" jira issue that doesn't have clear direction on a work around.

What's more strange is that the many proposed methods in that jira comments only work on certain types of files!

For example if I have a src/main/resources/archetype-resources/ pom.xml, I can escape with \${artifactID} just fine, but if I have a resource file like src/main/resources/archetype-resources/src/main/webapp/welcome.jsp, the back slash WON'T work here! Velocity indeed escaped the dollar sign, but it also left the back slash in place which messed up the jsp as result. I have to use the #set($dollar = '$') method with this type of files as workaround.

Since it's not going to be fixed, is there way I can globally declare #set($dollar = '$'), so I can use in many more jsp without adding it on every file?

Zemian Deng.

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