Papapara Tudu schrieb:
> Hello,
> I would like to delete the whole folder that contains a certain dependency
> from my internal repository by running a Maven command from a dev machine. 
> Is it possible to do that?

Do you mean deleting stuff from the ~/.m2/repository directorty on the
same computer you are running maven from?

The best solution is probably maven-antrun-plugin. That's the fallback
for doing weird things, and this really sounds like a weird thing to do.

If you mean you want to delete stuff from some other computer, then
that's trickier, but using maven-antrun-plugin is again probably the way
to do it (via an scp or ssh command or something like that). There is
certainly no standard way of doing that in maven, as nobody ever wants to.

Maybe you should think carefully about whether you really need to do any
of this though..


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