I would like to REUSE elements defined in my Parent POM. For example, I
> defined all developers of the company, writing down the first and last
> name, email adress and company name of each developer. Now, for each
> individual project, I would like to use the id of a developer as a reference 
> to the
> information given in the parent pom, and that when the project's website is
> build by using "mvn site" that the site displays ALL information for this
> developer. Otherwise, I would have to re-type a lot of  information - as
> some developers work in all projects, I would have LOTS of redundant
> information which greatly increases maintenance. 
> --> Is there a way to avoid redundant definitions in the POM inheritance
> hierarchies?

I did some research on the problem described above. It seems what I really want 
is to "reference a collection of properties", as described here:
http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MAVENUSER/MavenPropertiesGuide (posting on 
bottom of page).

Using one property variable, I would like to reference an entire tree of 
settings, in my case the settings for a certain developer. Is there any way to 
do this? I tried:




... and so on.

But all failed! :-( Any ideas if something like that is possible in Maven 2.08 
or later?

Thanks in advance,

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