
I've got a problem - one of my projects is using openlazlo 3.2 - which stinks, 
as they MANUALLY changed dependencies, without any documentation about this, 
and they don't even provide any maven poms :-(

However, we have to use it, and I am trying to get it to run using Maven 2.

For OpenLazlo, I manually created a pom and installed it into my local repo. 
Along with other dependencies, it specifies:

For whatever reason, Maven 2.08 isn't very impressed by version 2.0-rc1, and 
uses 3.0 instead. This however let's the openlazlo project fail. The only 
configuration I was able to run was using version 2.0-rc1. 
So I read:

and accordingly changed the version to:[2.0-rc1].
Now Maven 2 is even more unhappy:
[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.
No versions are present in the repository for the artifact with a range 

from the specified remote repositories:
  central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2),
But WHY? If you browse to: 

You can see it's def. there!!!
Also, I've got this file in my local repository!!! :-(

Any idea whats wrong here?

Thanks in advance, your help rules! :-)


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