The maven 1 pom is explained here [1] and there is an xsd available there [2]. As you see, id is not a valid tag for a contributor (the developer id is an scm id, so it's pointless for a contributor), and contrary to m1.0, the parser in maven 1.1 enforces the rules.



JG Flowers wrote:
Hi folks, I'm using Maven 1 to look at XDoclet. It falls over with an error
parsing an id node in the contributor section
     [exec] >> ParseError at [row,col]:[295,17]
     [exec] Message: Unrecognised tag: 'id'
So it begs the question is there a DTD for project.xml files or something of
this nature
There is this weird DOCTYPE at top of document
<!DOCTYPE project [
    <!ENTITY Ouml   "&#214;">
                <!ENTITY eacute "&#233;">
    <!ENTITY oslash "&#248;">
And it says  <pom version> is 3..
Can someone point me to a guide that explains this stuff. Cheers.

BTW: I'm using Maven 1.1
Here is snippet that's failing
            <name>Alon Salant</name>
            <name>Andreas &quot;Mad&quot; Schaefer</name>
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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