Hi Stefan,

Was not going to ignore your previous response. It just doesn't seem to be any existing plugin that take a part of your webapp and life copy it to a test tomcat somewhere. Moreover, that would be an operation outside of compilation process (it's just a helper script so we don't have to do it by hand when debugging and don't have to go to full war generation ^^)

David Delbecq
En l'instant précis du 13/03/08 13:31, VUB Stefan Seidel s'exprimait en ces termes:
Hi David,

have a look at the plugin lists from maven.apache.org and mojo.codehaus.org. There you will find a lot of plugins that do difficult work for you. The antrun plugin is of course good for backward compatibility, but I think there are better plugins if you just need to copy a file. Search the mailing list archives for my previous posts on that topic.



david delbecq wrote:

still in process of upgrading to maven2 here :)

Most of the work is taking good shape, thanks to informations on this ML.

I have a question regarding a few of our goals.

We have, for a war project, added a few goals that quickly do a copy of a part of webapp to tomcat (instead of building war or even compile). This is a way to allow easy test of jsp / pictures / css. Just patch a life tomcat with new files. We do this with such a command in maven 1

maven debug_deploy:jsp
maven debug_deploy:resources

those goals are just simple ant copy tasks in maven.xml.

What would be the recommanded way to convert this. Should i create a custom plugin that adds those targets to maven2, and include plugin in pom.xml, or is there a way to add targets to pom.xml? Should i use the ant plugin, but then how do i link it to a target instead of a phase?

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David Delbecq
Institut Royal Météorologique

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