This is a general problem with any eclipse integration that manages its own classpath container. This is something we're trying to work on with other groups at Eclipse. We're at EclipseCon this week and so we're trying to figure out how this might best work.

On 17-Mar-08, at 6:23 AM, Felipe Kamakura wrote:


I have a problem concerning AJDT and the M2Eclipse plugin I hope someone can help me with that. I have to include a .JAR in my AspectJ Build Path, but M2Eclipse won't let me. Everytime I include a library in the AspectJ Build Path it is automatically excluded. I think that's because M2Eclipse groups
all libraries in a Container:

<classpathentry kind="con" path="

I've tried changing manually the .classpath file, including the dependency
like this:

<classpathentry kind="var"
              <attribute name="org.eclipse.ajdt.aspectpath"

But Eclipse will give me an error for duplicated build path entry, because
the version-1.0.jar already exists in the M2Eclipse Container.

Is there a way to suppress this error? Or better, is there a way to include
a Maven dependency in the AspectJ Build Path??




Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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-- Paul Graham

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