Hi folks,

I can't quite figure how this should work. I have a project in which there are 4 or 5 modules subordinate to the master POM, two of which have other subordinate modules. In one case, I need to include a subordinate module only when a particular profile is active - it provides a dummy security authorization scheme used for demo purposes, so I don't want it included in any production build. I keep seeing that all of the profile "stuff" should all be kept in the master POM - centralized. This makes sense to me, but I fail to see how that's going to work in my case. If I add the profile to my master POM to include a specific module, won't that get translated into every subordinate POM?

My guess would be that I should only add this to the POM of which that module is a part, but doesn't that then decentralize the profile information? Or, is there some way to define the profile in the master but have it only effective in a particular sub-module?

Thanks in advance,

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