
I try to create an assembly with the deployed artifact in it (with the
correct version number)!

I used to achive this the following command:
mvn assembly:single deploy

What I expected is an archive which looks like this:
-- test-project-0.1.0-20080404.140018-1.jar
-- other files

But I got instead:
-- test-project-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
-- other files

I am not sure if it even works with assembly:single or :attached
because of the build lifecycle but I do not know any other way. Has
somebody a solution for this?

best wishes

P.S. I know that the containing jar file should have no difference to
the one with the correct version number. But for deployments and
releases the version number is quite important and is one of the
reasons why we try to use maven.

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