I don't think Maven was meant to solve application deployment issues.
The whole field of installers & deployment is very complex. Sometimes
you need to install certain files as root, install cron/timer jobs, stop
and restart services, create directory structures, and so on.

I have been able to use Maven to create installable artifacts -- I had a
Maven1 plugin that would invoke InstallShield. In Maven2 I replaced
InstallShield with a Python script. There are various plugins for other
installers. I'm sure that this is not the right way to do things, but
for us, right now, it works.

That said the assembly plugin is very nice. You could use it to define a
simple zip file with a structure like:

This zip file would then feed into some deployment tool/process which
would do the messy stuff. I would like a way to create a self-extracting
zip file using the assembly plugin, but I've never had time to
investigate. This would make it easy to do simple linux installs. The
self extracting archive would unpack everything then execute the file
./bin/install, which (hopefully) does the right things.

Christopher Helck

-----Original Message-----
From: Jesper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 9:05 AM
To: users@maven.apache.org
Subject: Recommended production release procedure?

I'm maven'izing  a large enterprise project (from ant) and am looking
for any recommendations on how to do releases to non-maven environments.

After doing the maven build (multi-module) and producing all the
artifacts in the repository, I need to deploy them to different

I may have 20 jars from 20 modules, 1 war and script files/webstart jnlp
files, etc (binaries),  all these need to go into a certain directory
structure on the environments, eg. the war in the webapps directory, all
the libs in a lib directory without any poms and maven versioning data
in the filenames or the classpath will need to constantly be updated.

Currently, my thinking is to use the assembly plugin to group the jars,
create jars of the binaries so they can be deployed.

The deploy plugin seem to be to deploy to a another maven repository
which isn't really what I want to do.
So my question is whether there is a plugin suitable for this, or do I
need to break it up into more steps, eg. copy to a remote machine,
unpack the binaries, etc.

What are everyone experience with this, perhaps others have a different
way of achieving this..

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