
I basically would like to have my site generated properly e.g. without
issues like http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSITE-274 and also take
advantage of a few beta plugins e.g. dashboard plugin. 

My problem is that I can't seem to find the optimal settings.xml repo
configuration. By trying different setups I run into every kind of problems
either one plugin component does not work or my build does not work at all

Right now I am trying to build my project with the setup shown in the
snippet below.

My question is can anyone recommend how to have the best compromise between
stability e.g. avoid issues like MSITE-274 and still be able to use

e.g. one of the big issues I have is that depending of what's in my
settings.xml I have to either build my project like:

NORMAL CASE: building as

$MAVEN_HOME/bin/mvn clean install site -e -Dgenerate.ydoc=true
-Dgenerate.statsvn=true $*

WORST CASE SCENARIO: my project sub-modules are not correctly seen

# define the projects in the order the should be built
PROJECTS="perfectjpattern-api perfectjpattern-core perfectjpattern-j2ee

# start build process
$MAVEN_HOME/bin/mvn -Pall clean
for project in `echo $PROJECTS`
  cd $project
  $MAVEN_HOME/bin/mvn clean install -e 
  cd ..
$MAVEN_HOME/bin/mvn install site -e -Dgenerate.ydoc=true
-Dgenerate.statsvn=true $*

Many thanks in advance,
Best regards,

In my settings.xml I have this default activated profile:

        <id>People Apache Repository</id>
      <Codehaus Snapshots>
        <id>Codehaus Snapshots</id>
        <id>People Apache Repository</id>

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