I change to use different groupId - ejb for net.sf.middleware and web for
net.sf.web; but the problem still remains. From the context looks like it is
looking for the remote repository 

[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

1) net.sf.sample.middleware:sample-middle:ejb:0.1

How can I use the local one (where target folder existed) instead of
downloading from remote repository?

Thanks in advice.

VUB Stefan Seidel wrote:
> You have the same group and artifact id for your ejb and your war file. 
> This cannot work, because the one will overwrite the other.
> Stefan
> neo anderson wrote:
>> Env: jboss 4.2.2GA/ Debian lenny testing/ jdk 1.6.0_01/maven 2.0.7
>> I try to create an ear  file via maven, but it issues error reporting
>> that
>> it requires to download sub porjects (web and ejb, etc.) first. The
>> message
>> is as below. It looks like repository problem. Though I can download it
>> manually, I prefer to get it done automatically because last time I
>> create
>> ear file maven successfully except the target application server is
>> geronimo, not jboss (but i can't remember exactly what i did to get it
>> work). So hope someone can give me advice.
>> [code]
>> ...
>> [INFO]
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Downloading:
>> http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/net/sf/sample/sample-web/0.1/sample-web-0.1.jar
>> [INFO]
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [INFO]
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.
>> Missing:
>> ----------
>> 1) net.sf.sample:sample-web:ejb:0.1
>>   Try downloading the file manually from the project website.
>> ...
>> [/code]
>> The way how I create ear project is through executing command 'mvn
>> arcetype:create -DgropuId=net.sf.sample -DartifactId=sample -Dversion1.0'
>> Then modifing the pom.xml (in ear folder)
>> [code]
>> <?xml version="1.0"?>
>> <project>
>>      <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
>>      <parent>
>>              <artifactId>sample</artifactId>
>>              <groupId>net.sf.sample</groupId>
>>              <version>0.1</version>
>>      </parent>
>>      <artifactId>sample-ear</artifactId>
>>      <name>sample-ear</name>
>>      <packaging>ear</packaging>
>>      <version>0.1</version>
>>      <url>http://maven.apache.org</url>
>>      <dependencies>
>>              <dependency>
>>                      <groupId>junit</groupId>
>>                      <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
>>                      <version>3.8.1</version>
>>                      <scope>test</scope>
>>              </dependency>
>>              <dependency>
>>                      <groupId>net.sample</groupId>
>>                      <artifactId>sample-web</artifactId>
>>                      <version>0.1</version>
>>                      <type>war</type>
>>              </dependency>
>>              <dependency>
>>                      <groupId>net.sample</groupId>           
>>                      <artifactId>sample-web</artifactId>
>>                      <version>0.1</version>
>>                      <type>ejb</type>
>>              </dependency>
>>      </dependencies>
>>      <build>
>>              <plugins>
>>                      <plugin>
>>                              <artifactId>maven-ear-plugin</artifactId>
>>                              <configuration>
>>                                      <displayName>Sample 
>> Project</displayName>
>>                                      <description>Sample EAR 
>> artifact</description>
>>                                      <version>5</version>
>>                                      <modules>
>>                                              <ejbModule>
>> <groupId>net.sf.sample</groupId>
>> <artifactId>sample-middleware</artifactId>
>> <bundleFileName>sample-middleware-0.1.jar</bundleFileName>
>>                                              </ejbModule>
>>                                              <webModule>
>> <groupId>net.sf.sample</groupId>
>> <artifactId>sample-web</artifactId>
>> <bundleFileName>sample-web-0.1.jar</bundleFileName>
>>                                              </webModule>
>>                                      </modules>
>>                              </configuration>
>>                      </plugin>
>>              </plugins>
>>      </build>
>> <project>
>> [/code]
>> I can build ejb3 and web sub-projects successfully (execute 'mvn package'
>> command and they work in jboss env). 
>> What part I may miss in ear pom.xml file? 
>> Thank you very much.
> -- 
> best regards,
> Stefan Seidel
> software developer
> ________________________
> VUB Printmedia GmbH
> Chopinstraße 4
> D-04103 Leipzig
> Germany
> tel.    +49 (341) 9 60 50 07
> fax.    +49 (341) 9 60 50 92
> web.    www.vub.de
> HRB Köln 24015
> UStID DE 122 649 251
> GF Dr. Achim Preuss Neudorf,
> Dr. Christian Preuss Neudorf
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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