Hi all,

I'm new to the list but I already read some documentation and the list archive (2008) and did not find an answer to my problem. Maybe I don't know where to search and I'm sorry about that!

It's a multi-project question ;-)

We are working on an OSGi project. I saw the maven-bundle-plugin from the Felix project and we are transforming our dependencies with it. We deploy them on a private repo.

We have a structure like this:

  +--> pom.xml
  +--> src/site/...
  +--> core
  |      +--> pom.xml
  |      +--> src/main/java/...
  +--> log4j-osgi-fragment
  |      +--> src/main/resources/log4j.properties
  \--> anotherbundle
         +--> pom.xml
         +--> src/main/java/...

What we'd like is: when you "mvn package", you have something like this:

  +--> ...
  \--> target
         +--> equinoxe-X.Y.Z.jar (launcher)
         +--> configurations
         |      +--> config.ini
         +--> features
         |      +--> core-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
         |      +--> anotherbundle-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
         \--> plugins
                +--> log4j-osgi-1.2.13.jar

Is there a plugin that can do that or do we have to consider writing our own plugin?

Many thanks for your time and attention.

PS: maven is really cool to use! :-D

Arnaud Vandyck

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