I agree totally and I finally just came to this forum to get answers. Someone told me about Sonatype's document which is, in my observation, the definitive reference for beginners on Maven. My personal, emerging notes including a link to that document and other useful links can be found at http://www.windofkeltia.com/www/maven.html. I don't know if you'll find in Sonatype's doc what you're looking for, but you said the B-word (beginner) and I believe you should know about that book.

Russ Bateman

Rick wrote:
I'm really struggling with the way the maven2 site is organized.

I'm on the getting started guide

I get to the point where it mentions "How do I make my first Maven
project" and it talks about Archetypes. I figured I'd like to see what
archetypes I can use  since the one it shows seems to make a jar (and
I'm curious about ears and wars as well.) So I lick on the link right
there in the description "Introduction to Archetypes" and I'm brought
to this page which says very little.

So I figured I'll browse the site and try to find out how I can find a
list of archetypes. Now where would you go on the site to find this?
I'd think this would be important information?

I've been looking everywhere. I shouldn't have to go to a FAQ for this
important information, but more on that later. So I'm not going to the
FAQ and searching all the menu items. By accident I happen to look at
plugins and I noticed an "archetype" plugin so I click on that and get
some decent info but still no explanation of what archetypes are

Eventually I give up and figure I'll browse the FAQ. There happens to
be a link "How do I get a list of archetypes" but when I click on it I
get a 404 http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/maven/archetype/trunk/maven-archetypes

A frustrating start for me. I hope it gets better.

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