Which of your dependencies do you need help with? I did the POM for Commons Logging 1.1.1, so I have a pretty good idea of what's needed.

I had marked all the other dependencies for log4j as optional, because prior to Maven, that is technically what people had been doing naturally anyway ("Oh, SMTPAppender needs javax.mail, I'll get that included"). There was some debate about provided/optional, so I wanted to have my facts straight should the discussion come up again. Provided did not sit right with me, but I couldn't find the docs on optional. I wonder if the Maven dependency scope documentation should be amended to add a reference to that flag, given relevance in making the decision on scope (especially for new people)>

I'd love to see a working POM for log4j, see my patches to the issue mentioned above.

Me too, it's a long time in coming. I'm planning on committing your patch shortly, the very least for the whitespace tidy up! :)


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