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So could I generate client code directly from a class annotated with 
@WebService, without
generating an intermediary WSDL?  I couldn't find a way to do that with 
but I'd love it if that was possible.

Daniel Kulp wrote:
| One option is to go completely code first and not generate anything.
| Use the same SEI interface for the client and for the service impls.
| You don't need to generate any wsdl's or anything then.    I know Apache
| CXF supports that directly without problems.   No generation of anything
| needed at all.   With the Sun RI, you would still need wsgen to generate
| the wrapper beans/fault beans, but it can also compile them.
| Dan
| On May 21, 2008, at 1:03 PM, Clint Gilbert wrote:
| Jan, thank you very much for your suggestion.
| That was almost the first thing I tried.  The problem is that my web
| service instances (I
| call them Nodes - they're components of a distributed DB system) need
| to talk to each other.
| A Node needs to be compiled to generate the client bindings, and a
| Node needs to invoke
| the bindings to talk to other Nodes.  There's always a circular
| dependency.  I tried to
| get around this by abstracting the process of talking to a node in
| order to hide the JAXWS
| client bindings from the nodes that use them.  That let me attempt the
| two-pass
| compilation hack, but can't get around the circular dependency.
| I think I'm going to bootstrap my module by checking in the generated
| code and artifacts.
| Just for reference, does anyone know for sure if you can give
| different configs for
| different <execution>s of maven-compiler-plugin?
| Jan Fredrik Wedén wrote:
| | Hi,
| |
| | Could you not split this into two modules where your step 4 resides in
| | a module which dependes on another module containing the results from
| | 1, 2 and 3? Seems like the most correct Maven-way if you are allowed
| | to split your codebase to accomplish this.
| |
| | On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 2:48 AM, Clint Gilbert
| | <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| | Hello everyone,
| |
| | First of all, I cannot overstate the beneficial effect that Maven
| has had on
| | the
| | development process at my organization.  To the devs: thanks for the
| great
| | tool!
| |
| | I have a pom that specifies two executions of the compiler plugin, with
| | different phases
| | specified and different configs, but they're not both running.  (See
| pom
| | excerpt below.)
| | Is that expected?  Can I configure multiple executions of the compiler
| | plugin with
| | different configurations?  It seems like no - [1], [2], [3] - but I
| hope
| | someone has an
| | definitive answer.
| |
| | Here's some background on my problem, which I admit is fairly obscure.
| | Basically, what I
| | need to do is:
| |
| | 1 Compile class A in package org.myorg, which is annotated with
| @WebService
| |
| | 2 Run JAXWS's wsgen (via maven-jaxws-plugin) to make a WSDL from the
| | compiled A.class
| |
| | 3 Run JAXWS's wsimport (via maven-jaxws-plugin) to make client-side
| bindings
| | from the
| | just-generated WSDL
| |
| | 4 Compile non-generated classes that reference the just-generated
| client
| | bindings. These
| | live in separate sub-packages - org.myorg.x, org.myorg.y, etc - and
| would
| | have failed if
| | compiled during step 1 because they reference code generated in step 3.
| |
| | I've included (what I hope are) the relevant sections of my pom below.
| |
| | PS: Do I need to do things this way?  Unfortunately, I think so.  Class
| | org.myorg.A is a
| | web service that needs to invoke other org.myorg.A web services
| arranged in
| | a tree or mesh
| | topology.  I've tried to break out the bindings, the SEI (A), and the
| | classes that
| | abstract the connection between As using the client bindings into
| | submodules, but I've
| | only managed to introduce circular dependencies.
| |
| | In the past, I've dealt with this sort of chicken-and-egg problem by
| | generating WSDLs and
| | code and then checking them into source control.  This feels bad,
| and makes
| | updates if the
| | interface of the SEI changes a hassle.  I'd much rather define a
| simple SEI
| | annotated with
| | @WebService and have the low-level stuff (WSDLs, client bindings)
| generated
| | from that.
| |
| | [1]
| |
| http://weblogs.java.net/blog/ss141213/archive/2007/11/my_maven_experi.html
| | [2]
| |

| | [3]
| |

| |
| | | <plugin>
| | |       <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
| | |       <executions>
| | |               <execution>
| | |                       <id>jaxws-pre-compilation-hack</id>
| | |                       <!-- Hack to specify order of plugin
| application -->
| | |                       <phase>process-sources</phase>
| | |                       <configuration>
| | |                               <source>1.5</source>
| | |                               <target>1.5</target>
| | |                               <includes>
| | |
| | <include>${source.dir}/org/myorg</include>
| | |                               </includes>
| | |                               <excludes>
| | |
| | <exclude>${source.dir}/org/myorg/x</exclude>
| | |
| | <exclude>${source.dir}/org/myorg/y</exclude>
| | |                               </excludes>
| | |                               <goals>
| | |                                       <goal>compile</goal>
| | |                               </goals>
| | |                       </configuration>
| | |               </execution>
| | |               <execution>
| | |                       <id>normal-compilation</id>
| | |                       <!-- Hack to specify order of plugin
| application -->
| | |                       <phase>compile</phase>
| | |                       <configuration>
| | |                               <source>1.5</source>
| | |                               <target>1.5</target>
| | |                       </configuration>
| | |                       <goals>
| | |                               <goal>compile</goal>
| | |                       </goals>
| | |               </execution>
| | |       </executions>
| | | </plugin>
| | | <plugin>
| | |       <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
| | |       <artifactId>jaxws-maven-plugin</artifactId>
| | |       <executions>
| | |               <execution>
| | |                       <id>make-wsdl</id>
| | |                       <!-- Hack to specify order goals are run in -->
| | |               <phase>generate-resources</phase>
| | |               <goals>
| | |                       <goal>wsgen</goal>
| | |               </goals>
| | |               <configuration>
| | |                       <sei>org.myorg.A</sei>
| | |                       ...
| | |               </configuration>
| | |       </execution>
| | |       <execution>
| | |               <id>make-client-bindings</id>
| | |               <!-- Hack to specify order goals are run in -->
| | |               <phase>process-resources</phase>
| | |               <goals>
| | |                       <goal>wsimport</goal>
| | |               </goals>
| | |               <configuration>
| | |                       ...
| | |               </configuration>
| | |       </execution>
| | |       </executions>
| | |       ...
| | | </plugin>
| |
| |
| |
| |>
| |>
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| ---
| Daniel Kulp
| http://www.dankulp.com/blog

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