
I have an application that is fully managed with maven 2 at compile time. It 
has also it's own "plugin" infrastucture. So it's possible to include plugins 
to my app, by adding the plugins in a specific jar folder. Those plugins 
(which have nothing to do with maven plugins!) are also build with maven.

That means, all jars in my application (main jar, dependency jars, plugins 
jar) contain a pom.xml and a pom.properties in the META-INF. What i'd like to 
do, before loading my plugins (which is currently simply done with a 
jarclassloader) is:

- analyse all my plugins jar
- locate their pom and extract dependency informations, in a recursive way
- for all dependencies that are not provided by main app, 
  - download the dependency jar
  - store it in a repository folder specific to app
  - add it to my jarclassloader.

So i need a way to add a maven dependencies management to my own app. That 
way, my plugins that have dependencies don't have to bundle them in a zip, 
and user just have to put the plugin jar in my plugins/ folder, maven 
dependencies discovery will do the rest.

Question is, is it possible to embed in my application a small maven 
dependency management? (i don't need the lifecycle suff, just to be able to 
manage dependencies and get a recursive list of them, resolved)

David Delbecq
Institut Royal Météorologique
Ext 557

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