JINDAL, Mukta, IDC schrieb:
Thanks for the reply, Tim.

I am executing "mvn install", not "mvn deploy".

But 'mvn install' should only install the project's artifact in your local repository (~/.m2/repository/...) and not try to deploy it to a remote repo. Or have you configured the deploy plugin in yor pom to run in the install phase, which IMHO would be a bad practice?

Also, I tried using scpext, but got following error:

Sorry, my fault, that should be scpexe.

Here [1] you will find a small guide on how to deploy via scpexe.

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Error deploying artifact: Unsupported Protocol: 'scpext': Cannot find 
wagon which supports the requested protocol: scpext
Component descriptor cannot be found in the component repository: 

Mukta Jindal



[1] http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-deploy-plugin/examples/deploy-ssh-external.html

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