

I am trying to evaluate the maven-release-plugin (version 2.0-beta-7)
and I can't seem to get it to work flawlessly. Here is my scenario: I
have a single library/artifact that has zero dependencies. The current
version is set to 1.2-SNAPSHOT in the pom.xml file (see below for XML
elements). However, when I go to run release:prepare I get the error
pasted below. The Perforce path is valid and the user has the proper
rights to edit the file (verified via Perforce UI and command-line). 


What am I doing wrong?


[POM Elements]

<project ... >





            <name>Project Utilities</name>




[Maven Error]

[INFO] [release:prepare]

[INFO] Resuming release from phase 'generate-release-poms'

[INFO] Generating release POMs...

[INFO] Generating release POM for 'Lty Utils'...

[DEBUG] No SCM translator found - skipping rewrite




[INFO] Cannot add release POM to SCM: Exception while executing SCM


Unknown input: //depot/sandboxes/mdelaney/utils/release-pom.xml#4 -
opened for add


[DEBUG] Trace

org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Cannot add
release POM to SCM: Exception while executing SCM command.

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